How To Stay Fit: 6 More Exercises To Do AS A Family ~ Week 2
Now that we have gotten our feet wet with week 1 exercises, let's keep it up and continue to exercise as a family.
I know that it's helpful for us to keep fit especially when we are traveling and eating all kinds of food. That way we can still enjoy all of the goods and not see that scale go overboard.
It doesn’t matter if we have no equipment because these exercises are still bodyweight exercises. You can do 1 set or 2 to 3 sets. Some families have also opted to do these exercises throughout the day. One set mid-morning, one set mid-afternoon, and one set at night. The beauty of these exercises is you can do them anywhere at your own leisure.
- 10 Jumping jacks
Directions: Start with feet together. Jump feet apart about shoulder width and clap hands above your head at the same time. Then jump into attention by bringing your feet back together and bringing your hands down.
- 10 Push Ups
Directions: Start with your stomach on the floor. Your hands palms down are about shoulder width apart and your toes are curled to the floor. Keep your core/stomach firm and push up. You should be in a plank position and then bend your arms and go back to the floor.
- 10 Push Ups
- 10 Reverse Lunges
Directions: Start standing with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Then take one leg and step backward. That back leg bends and the knee touches the floor. The front leg stays stationary and make sure your front bent knee does not go over your toes. After your back knee touches the ground just stand back up bringing your back leg back to your starting position of feet together.
- 10 Squat Jumps
Directions: Start standing with feet about shoulder width apart. Put hands on your hips and squat down like you are going to sit on a chair. Once you can not go any lower, jump as high as you can and reach for the sky.
- 10 Side Lunges
Directions: Start standing with your feet together and hands on your hips. Then step to the side with one foot and bend the knee then return the leg/foot to its original position with your feet together.
- 10 Leg Raises
Directions: Start by lying down on your back on the floor. Brace yourself by placing your hand's palms facing down underneath your behind. Then tighten your core/stomach and raise both legs up to your midsection and bring your legs back down to the floor.
Below is a video we created of the exercises so you can follow along.
Don’t forget to share this post with all of your loved ones so they can enjoy the exercises too!
You may also like this post How To Stay Fit: 6 Exercises To Do As A Family.
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Disclaimer: You should always consult your physician or other healthcare providers before changing your diet or starting an exercise program. By viewing and/or participating in this class/video I am agreeing to these terms.
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